getting to calm
a midst the chaos

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Raising any child – neurotypical or neurodiverse – is an emotional process. Feeling a range of emotions about any child is normal and healthy. There will always be certain moms who will choose to be right over choosing to listen to understand.

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Michelle Lach


8 Self-care Tips for Special Needs Moms Me time

when you are a special needs mom with a child that has severe autism & is on the spectrum, finding time to immerse myself in self-care routines can be hard.

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Michelle Lach


Self-Care for Special Needs Moms

Being the special needs mom of two, it can be a daily struggle for me to make time for myself in the midst of busy therapy schedules, behaviors, meltdowns, routines, mealtimes, playtime, and bedtime.

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Michelle Lach



I have two kiddos on complete ends of the spectrum-- a daughter with Aspergers and ADHD...and
a son with classic Autism, Speech Language Apraxia, & Sensory Processing Disorder.

So, I'm definitely on this journey with you. 

I’m passionate about helping other autism mamas simplify their lives, so they can experience more joy in motherhood. 

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