Refresh. Renew. refocus.

… by simplifying and focusing on the RIGHT things, so you can cultivate a life-giving home and create margin in your life for the people and things that matter most to you.

If you’re ready to ditch survival mode for good, and you’re tired of bottlenecking in Autism motherhood, I’d love to invite you to join me to get Refresh, Renew, and Refocus. 

This is a six-month supportive jumpstart to makeover Autism Mom Life. 

While most programs focus solely on your child, this program focuses on you as a whole person. I firmly believe that as the mom, and the primary caregiver of your child, YOU matter.

When you’re not feeling well, either physically, emotionally, or both it directly affects your family.

Mothers are the heart of the home, and when mom isn’t doing well, because she’s overwhelmed, stressed, and so dog-gone-tired, barely able to keep her eyes peel past noon, it hurts your family and your children.

Imagine, if you were able to wake up as the best version of yourself (okay—most days—because #autismmomlife and #middleofnightwakeupdutyhappens)? 


>> You’ll have a stronger marriage, meaningful friendships, and children who are happier. 

 a fresh cup of coffee


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a beautiful sunset


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donuts with sprinkles





only to be met with a house that looks like it's been hit by a hurricane AGAIN. You eye the clock-- doing a mental countdown of when the hubs will get home from work...

then you remember that you haven't made dinner yet... again.

You would've remembered, if your child's teacher didn't send you an email about another incident at school, AND you weren't rushing to get him to therapy right after school. 

What did the therapist want us to work on again? Exasperated.
You throw up an imaginary white flag and look forward to pouring yourself a glass of wine the minute the hubs get home.

Oh well. >>


Instead of being understanding about your day, your husband comes home hungry and exhausted. He looks around the house, and you already know what he's thinking-- but if he dared breathe a word of it, he knows it won't end well. You ask him how his day was at work more out of habit at this point because your day was WAY worse and you just don't have the bandwidth to dive into office politics. He has no idea what constitutes as a "bad day." Where is that wine bottle anyway?

Fourth coffee in hand after another night of absolutely NO sleep, scrolling through Instagram just to catch a break, with a messy hair don't care attitude. I feel you sister.

By the time the kids finally settle down for the night you're too exhausted to do anything else, but binge on Netflix while scrolling on Facebook and double-tapping on Instagram. 



Instead of being understanding about your day, your husband comes home hungry and exhausted. He looks around the house, and you already know what he's thinking-- but if he dared breathe a word of it, he knows it won't end well. Where is that wine bottle anyway?

Fourth coffee in hand after another night of absolutely NO sleep, scrolling through Instagram just to catch a break, with a messy hair don't care attitude. I feel you sister.

By the time the kids finally settle down for the night you're too exhausted to do anything else, but binge on Netflix while scrolling on Facebook and double-tapping on Instagram. 

 Anyone, else?


 *both hands up over here.* 


If you’re ready to live out the best version of yourself.

To live out whom you were created to be.

I invite you to join me in Refresh. Renew. Refocus for the Autism Mom. 

Over the course of the next six-months, we’ll dive deep into a specific area of your life that will help you can live out the best version of yourself.

The happier, more energized, and peaceful mama. The one who’s committed to renewing herself, refocusing on the right things, so she wakes up each day feeling more alive, and refreshed than she has in a long while. 

You’ll receive an email each week, along with a short video that goes along with that module’s overarching theme. Videos will also be uploaded onto our private members-only Facebook group.

We'll meet once a week via Zoom to discuss this week’s video. It’s completely casual, messy hair pulled back in a bun, feel free to pause or step away from the screen to tend to your kids as needed.

All sessions will be recorded in case you aren’t able to attend live, or just want to re-watch the sessions. 


>> i want to simplify autism mom life

 Anyone, else?

 *both hands up over here.* I’ve totally been there. 


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"

1914 translation by H. Rackham

"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure."


>> a few of our faves

 a fresh cup of coffee


View the Galleries

a beautiful sunset


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View the Galleries

donuts with sprinkles




In the first module, we’re going to set intentional goals for the year with accountability and with a clarity of purpose. 

Second: We’re going to declutter your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual space. 

Third: We'll discuss how to maintain some rhythms and routines in the third module.

Fourth: We'll discuss how to work through challenges in these relationships, setting clear boundaries, and toxic relationships. 

Fifth: we’re going to dive deep into self-compassion, self-awareness, and what it truly means to love yourself, and put some actionable real-life practical steps behind it.

Finally: dance party!

In the first module, we’ll reflect on the previous year.

What worked for you last year? What didn’t work for your family and your circumstances? What do you need to let go of? What are you hanging onto because of guilt, shame, or expectations you’ve either set upon yourself or from others? We’re going to set intentional goals for the New Year with accountability and with a clarity of purpose. 

In the second module, we’re going to declutter your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual space. These areas are all interconnected, and losing traction in one area can easily affect other areas of your life. 


In the third module, we’ll break take a break from inward reflection to discuss ways to plan for and savor scheduled school breaks. We’ll cover how to keep your sanity, by planning for activities and events ahead of time. How to maintain some rhythms and routines, while preparing our special kiddos for changes in their routine. We’ll scratch the surface of IEPs, but more importantly, focus on the goals you’ve personally set for your child. 

In the fourth module, we’ll tackle relationships. How are you feeling about yourself, and your relationship with others? We’ll cover relationships to ourselves, our partner, children, extended family, and friends. How to work through challenges in these relationships, setting clear boundaries, and toxic relationships. 

1:1 Support



In the fifth module, we’re going to dive deep into self-compassion, self-awareness, and what it truly means to love yourself, and put some actionable real-life practical steps behind it.

Finally, we’ll finish the sixth module by wrapping it all up with a dance party.

But pre-dance party, we’ll do a quick overview of each module.

We’ll take a deep dive into any modules you feel you’re struggling with, and need extra support or want a more in-depth experience. 


In addition to the weekly-videos, and the weekly group time, you also have access to me. 

Included with the six-month membership are two 45-minute private sessions with me. 

The first 45-minute session is a mid-point check-in. I want to help you stay on track, and not lose momentum. I’m going to answer any questions that weren't addressed, or perhaps you didn’t feel comfortable sharing in the group or via email.

The second and final 45-minute session is a review. I’m personally going to hold your hand, and dive deeper into any module or topic of your choice. 

So... let me ask you.

Yes, let's do this!

Are you ready to live out the best version of yourself?! To live out whom you were created to be?

You may be thinking, this sounds great, but you’re barely able to keep your head above water, let alone add ONE more thing to your already full life. Lean in a bit closer friend, and let me place my imaginary hand over yours, and tell you I know just how you feel. 

I know what it’s like to have autism kick your butt-- literally. Days when your child is banging his head on the wall or injuring himself in some other manner and you just want it to stop. Days when you’ve had to deal with your nth meltdown, and if you hear one more person give you unsolicited advice you’re going to commit murder. 

This program isn’t going to fix everything about your life, and your life isn’t going to be nothing but glitter and rainbows afterwards.

But what it will do is teach you the practical skills to help you show up as the best version of yourself every. single. day.

Despite the lack of sleep.

Despite the meltdowns.

Despite the self-injurious behaviors.

There is only ever ONE person you can control, and that is yourself. So, let’s help you show up as the best version of YOURSELF.

The girl that lies dormant all these years?

Yes. She’s still there. She has hopes, dreams, and passions. Let’s help her come alive. When you’re overwhelmed, and in a chronic state of stress, you’re unable to live out your best self. You simply can’t. So, how do we, hand-in-hand, help you get unstuck? By focusing on the areas of your life that you DO have control over. 

That’s why YOU matter. I want this so much for you, because I want you to get to the other side. I want you to be able to experience joy, and feel better about your circumstances and your life. 



 a fresh cup of coffee


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a beautiful sunset


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View the Galleries

donuts with sprinkles



Yes, sign me up for
a month!

 I’m ready! Sign me up for the full payment of $197

I’m ready, too! I’ll do 6 payments of $47 please!

Yes, a one-time payment 
of only

You can get started TODAY for just one payment of $47 (with five additional payments of $47

 for the best value, one payment of $197. 

Now, you may be thinking, “well, this sounds great and all, but I barely have time to shower, let alone join a group “jumpstart program.”

I get it.

I’m all about the dry shampoo. But hear me out, this program is designed to be taken in bite-sized chunks.

You’re going to be taking small actionable steps towards living out an simplified, joy-filled autism motherhood.

And I promise, the weekly videos are shorter than an episode of the Good Doctor. 





 a fresh cup of coffee


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a beautiful sunset


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donuts with sprinkles



 I’m ready! Sign me up for the full payment of $197. 

I’m ready, too! I’ll do 6 payments of $47 please! . 

you may feel awful for taking money away from your child’s therapy. 

I’ve been there, too. I felt awful anytime I used money for myself, it felt selfness, and unnecessary. I was moving at a rampant speed to help our son, and had little regard for myself. I didn’t take care of myself, which only left me feeling even more overwhelmed, resentful and depressed. 

When I started to take better care of myself, physically, mentally, and emotionally I started to see small changes, and realized that Autism mom life doesn’t have to mean a joy-less over complicated life. And, I finally started to feel better about my circumstances and started showing up as the best mom and wife I could be. 

So, let’s end the barely-just-getting-by way of living, because that’s no way to live.
Let’s say no to #allthetherapies until you thoroughly hash out which one is best for your child and your family.
Let’s stop doing what has become the norm in autism motherhood,
And let’s live out the best version of YOU. 

And while mom guilt is real, I don’t want you to think of this as taking money away from therapy for your child, but think of it as pouring money into your child’s therapy. Because you’re not only his/her number one champion, you’re also doing therapy day in and day out. You will always be your child’s greatest teacher and therapist. 

When you’re being poured into, you can give more to your child— more time, more energy, more of the best you. 





 a fresh cup of coffee


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a beautiful sunset


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View the Galleries

donuts with sprinkles


Refund Policy:

 I’m ready! Sign me up for the full payment of $197. 

I’m ready, too!
I’ll do 6 payments
of $47 please! 

What if I hate it?

If within 30-days of purchasing the program, you decide that this simply isn’t for you, I offer a 30 day full refund policy.

No questions ask.

I hope that you’re able to take the knowledge you’ve obtained from those 30 days and leave feeling better than when you first started the program. 





>> You’ll have a stronger marriage, meaningful friendships, and children who are happier. 

 a fresh cup of coffee


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a beautiful sunset


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donuts with sprinkles
